Targeted Assessments

Methods and Purposes

A key component of improving a personal or organizational competence is accurate assessment. Disagreeing Better has the tools and expertise to leverage cutting-edge methodologies to identify and measure the root causes of organizational challenges. We offer individual-level assessments of personality, professional skills, and interpersonal tendencies. We also offer team-level and organizational-level evaluations to identify trends across and within organizations.

Our assessments focus on measuring the organizational climate around disagreement and engagement with opposing perspectives. We measure the presence of diverse views, people’s comfort with expressing those views, and their skillfulness at engaging with colleagues they disagree with. The insights garnered from such assessments can help leaders invest training and development resources where they are most needed.

Assessment Areas

The Big Five Personality Model

Organizational network assessment

Comfort with diverse perspectives

Team decision-making processes

Publilius Syrus (~100 BC)

Many receive advice, few profit by it.

Mo Udall

If you can find something everyone agrees on, it's wrong.